Together we have coordinated the litigation that blocked the cancellation of TPS for six countries – impacting nearly half a million people – and we have anchored the creation of a beautiful new alliance of TPS beneficiaries across the country.
But we must do more. And we need your help to get it done.
On August 14, the Ninth Circuit Court of appeals will hear the Trump administration’s arguments to un-block his cancellation of TPS status, seeking to make hundreds of thousands of immigrant families deportable. We will be there, both inside and outside the courthouse, to argue why the preliminary injunction protecting TPS status must remain in place to protect these families.
As the Administration ramps up its hate offensive, the uncertainty that TPSianos face is already unprecedented: every day is one day less with documents and many are already losing jobs and driver’s licenses. Each day, families debate what to do with their homes and their children’s schools, while some employers worry about the loss of a highly qualified workforce.
Despite the multiple dimensions of uncertainties, the TPS holders DO NOT succumb to fear, anger, anxiety or desperation. Instead, they have demonstrated the courage and creativity required to defeat the hate agenda.
The National TPS Alliance (made of CARECEN-LA, the TPS Committees and NDLON) launched a TPS Summer of Action and Power – a call to action for TPS communities and allies to speak out, to organize, and to take the streets for the dignity of immigrant and refugee communities. This Verano de Acciónincludes mobilizing direct action for TPS justice and launching an initiative to reunite thousands of unaccompanied minors with their families. It means grassroots training for TPS leaders from across the country, a Pledge to Vote initiative and the formation of new TPS committees.
On August 14, we will mobilize TPS holders and allies from across the country, to send the message that courage is greater than fear. We will celebrate the #CreativeResistance that inspires and moves communities to join us.
TPSianos are on the move! And today, that is an example that needs to be lifted up and celebrated.
¡Que Viva el Verano de Accion!
¡Qué vivan las TPSianas y TPSianos!
Nothing About Us Without Us!
- Pablo Alvarado, Co-Executive Director of NDLON
P.S. In honor of the TPS struggle, Honduran Artist, Allan McDonald has dedicated this poster to all TPSianos and TPSianas. Those who labor and struggle for our families and our communities are our super sheroes and heroes.