Graciela and Johan

Day Laborers

Meet Graciela, Johan, and Alannie, a family from Venezuela who have found hope and support at Voz.

Graciela and Johan arrived in April and have been coming to the Voz Worker Center since. Here, they have found a community that helps them stay afloat while they seek asylum. They have received vital support, including economic opportunities, help navigating different services such as housing and transportation, and, most importantly, solidarity. “Sin ese apoyo moral y la comunidad que hemos recibido en Voz, nos hubiéramos caído. No sé dónde estaríamos ahora,” they share.

(In English: Without the moral support and community we have received at Voz, we would have fallen. I don’t know where we would be right now.)

Graciela and Johan are both part of our Emergency Preparedness Cohort that launched in July. They are also motivated to support the growth of our Worker Center by passing out flyers to increase publicity and increase economic opportunities.

While they are seeking work and participating in other activities at Voz, they are also parents to their young daughter Alannie. Balancing parenthood and being day laborers is challenging, especially finding someone to care for their daughter and ensuring her needs are met. However, they are determined to support their family and build a better future.